Friday, October 24, 2008

Why anonymous wankers piss me off....

Why anonymous wankers piss me off....

Who wouldn't think it was great to attack other by give names when you can had behind a nome de plume

It's great to attack people people on the internet with half truths, distortions, or just plain lies when you can hide behind a name.

But wait you say:

You yourself hide behind such a nome de plume...

Yes, sadly it's true. Here I sit in the 49 state of the US of A, a semi-well known Highland Sword instructor who's class is based off of Thomas Page's manual of 1746 and I'm sure nobody who might read this would have a clue who Baskethilt Broadsword Boy could be...

I guess in this case, I piss myself off.


Anonymous said...

Great to see another HEMA blog. I hope to see more posts!

The HEMAboy blog is pseudonymous, rather than anonymous. There is a long tradition of such things going back to the 19th C. It's a useful device for a large number of reasons, especially for surfacig conflict and for saying things without burning bridges. There's an interesting discussion on the uses of such things at

Still, you could have commented on his blog if you wanted to criticise him. More chance of him seeing it that way!

Baskethilt Broadsword boy said...

Hello La bete,

You're right, there is a long tradition of pseudonymous letters, brochures and published works on both side of the pond. Sometimes they were done to spread the truth, other times lies and half truths. I started this blog while both pissed and pissed and took my first posting to the wrong side of things. I've since calmed down and sobered up. I've removed the name of a fellow blogger from my post as my comments were unfair.

From this point forward I hope to keep this blog on a even keel and explore WHY we as a group can't get along, or play nice together.


Anonymous said...

Great sentiments, and ones I think more people than you think would agree with. We've all far more in common than not :)